calcite slickenfibres (white) on a fault plane in marly limestones, Slovenian Alps. The shear sense of the hangingwall is towards the top of the picture.
Foto: Kamil Ustaszewski
Calcite-filled hybride fractures (subhorizontal) in Cretaceous limestones affected by a spaced fracture cleavage. Istria Peninsula, Croatia.
Foto: Kamil Ustaszewski
Fault between Cretaceous limestones of the Sazani Zone (right) and flysch of the Ionian Zone (near Dukat, S Albania). Note that the disconformity between Ionian flysch and Quaternary cover is displaced by the fault.
Foto: Kamil Ustaszewski
The Dobrotino Fault is an Early Oligocene normal fault at the eastern margin of the Pirin Massif in SW Bulgaria. The fault is exposed along the east- (left-) dipping front faces of the hills. In the hanging wall of the fault (left), the syntectonic Mesta (Nestos) Basin developed in the Oligocene (see Georgiev et al., 2010).
Foto: Jan Pleuger
Conjugate shear fractures affecting volcanic bombs within Miocene pyroclastic deposits of the Coastal Range, Eastern Taiwan. Coin for scale (bottom center next to the left fracture).
Foto: Kamil Ustaszewski
Low-angle normal faults in turbiditic sandstones, Magozd, Slovenia.
Foto: Kamil Ustaszewski
Calcite-filled hybrid fracture in Paleocene nummulitic limestones, Sveta Marina, Istria, Croatia.
Foto: Kamil Ustaszewski
title="Steeply dipping fracture cleavage in Mesozoic limestones (Istria, Croatia)"
Foto: Kamil Ustaszewski
Fracture cleavage (dipping steeply to the right) in Mesozoic limestones (Istria, Croatia)
Foto: Kamil Ustaszewski
Slickolites (oblique stylolites) on a sub-vertical fault plane in Lower Muschelkalk, indicating dextral relative motion (Bad Kösen, Germany)
Foto: Payman Navabpour
Sub-vertical stylolite plane with horizontal teeth in Lower Muschelkalk oolite beds, indicating NW-SE contraction (NW Naumburg, Germany)
Foto: Payman Navabpour
Slickenfibres and surface steps testify to a subhorizontal displacement direction in Mesozoic metasediments of the Canavese zone which is sinistral in map view (Southern Alps near Ivrea, Piemonte, Italy).