The Periadriatic Fault, one of the longest faults in the Alps.

Muriel Bülhoff part of the "Honours Programme for Future Researchers"

BSc. student Muriel Bülhoff was selected for the Honours Programme for Future Researchers to investigate pseudotachylytes in the Alps.
The Periadriatic Fault, one of the longest faults in the Alps.
Image: Christoph Grützner


Muriel Bülhoff at the ceremonial opening of the Honours Programme
Muriel Bülhoff at the ceremonial opening of the Honours Programme
Image: Kamil Ustaszewski

Muriel Bülhoff was selected as one of only eleven BSc. students for the Honours Programme for Future Researchers at FSU Jena. In her thesis, Muriel will investigate pseudotachylytes. Pseudotachylytes are glassy melts that are formed by earthquakes. The high friction during an earthquake can heat the fault rock to temperatures that allow for partial melting and rapid cooling afterwards. These pseudotachylytes then form characteristic black veins in the rock.
The Pustertal-Gailtal Linie in Austria is part of the Periadriatic Fault, which runs through large parts of the Alps. Through detailed mapping, Muriel will find out whether pseudotachylytes can be found here. Those would help us to find out more about about the activity of this fault.

More info about the Honours Programme: